First Impression Post; Memory

I think that when certain things happen in people’s lives, they can either be traumatic in a good way or in a bad way, and this is why these memories stick with people so well compared to smaller things that had happened in their lives. Memories can pop up into people’s heads at odd times, like when something happens that reminds them of the memory, or they smell, see, or hear something that reminds them of something that had happened in the past.

I think that there are some memories that stick more in peoples heads compared to others because these tend to be events that had a large impact in someone’s life. These memories are always something that easily pop up in people’s heads because they are memories that were traumatic to people earlier in their lives.

People remember things such as the assassination of John F Kennedy, and what they were doing on September 11, 2001 because these were traumatic events that changed their lives, one way or another. These events have stayed scarred in their brains because they were events that essentially changed their lives, just like other memories that people easily remember or constantly think about.

A study that could be performed to test how accurate this theory is would be to survey people about what their most prominent memory is and then that could be tested to see whether or not this event had impacted their lives in a major way or not. This test would show how these memories affect people’s lives and what kind of memories are affecting people the most.

One thought on “First Impression Post; Memory

  1. I think it’s very interesting to see how some events affect people more than others. My initial thought for this was that maybe episodic memories are stronger than semantic ones, but I’m not entirely sure about that. Also, the definitions we went over in the lectures do not really have a standard for what is considered a personal event and what isn’t. For example, I lived through 9/11, but I don’t remember it. I’m sure it impacted my life, but I don’t know how. Is this considered a episodic memory, or a semantic? I think the ambiguity in these explicit memory definitions leave some gray areas for us to determine.


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